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    • #6237
      • Total Posts: 352

      I apologize if I offended anyone on Sunday while ranting about the near miss that happened on Saturday.

      the 2 people that lost their rec boats and had to be rescued by K.C. Scott- have both of their boats back.

      A camera on their driveway shows that about 2 pm on sunday, one of their wives went somewhere and brought back the creased green one, and they carried out the creased blue one. (Doris said that she hadn’t seen it so I don’t know where they found it?)

      This did not make the news.

      A couple in kayaks(?) had to be rescued on Big Creek in St. Francis county. This did make the news. Without getting badly hurt or dyeing, most people do not know how bad it could get in that situation.

      Once in a while, I get to boat at higher levels, and when I do, I try to be on the river with good boaters in case something does go wrong. Many thanks to K.C. Scott and all others that pull non-white-water people out of the river.

      A tragedy on our beloved river would lead to many, many problems, starting with the government.

      Be safe out there.


    • #6241
      • Total Posts: 230

      Gonna hear a lot more about these now that the department stores crank out kayaks cheaper and cheaper

    • #6242
      • Total Posts: 418

      Same issue we are having In lusk creek! The people are asking where to put in to go see the water fall in the canyon after a good hard rain… Ive told 4 different people if you have no experience in whitewater or swift water at that.. To say away from the area above reagan road and if you have a rec boat DEFINITELY stay away. the people think they can take a sun dolphin down it. I myself still have a hard time going down it cause every turn is death above 800cfs if your not careful soooo many deadly strainers… Im fixing to make a video about this situation actually. Cause these people do not know what they are getting into! Thanks for the save of the non-whitewater boats… Maybe we need to hang a sign where the dangerous waters for 2 miles is at millstream, Saying that if the water is a bit higher recreation boats are not recommended and frowned apon if you dont have whitewater experience this situation could end up bad for a person! Just an idea im positive the conservation office will have no issue with trying to save someones life or keep someone from getting an injury!

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by jacobsviper.
    • #6244
      • Total Posts: 19


      I pulled up on you and Larry reading the kid the riot act on Sunday while he was retrieving the blue rec boat.  What little hide chewing I overheard was awesome and very well deserved.  I sternly lectured the kids after the rescue on Saturday but, it paled in comparison to what you were dishing out Jerry.  Lol!

      I continued down river and retrieved the green boat above turkey creek and left it at turkey creek.  When I got off the river at the takeout, the lady in the station wagon pulled up and asked if I was the guy and where was the boat.  I let her know where it was and she left. Not before I gave her a piece of my mind concerning the kids actions on Saturday.  However, I’m fairly certain that both you and Larry would have been far more direct.

      <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>K.C. – Scott</span>

    • #6253
      • Total Posts: 352


      jacobsviper- a sign would not have worked, they walked in on river right, and where they entered the conservation area was an easement 1/2 mile past any signage for the area, (not sure they would have been smart enough to know that applies to them)  A better sign at Millstream might be an idea for the future?


      Thanks for the rest of the story. Thanks again for rescuing non-whitewater people.

      As bad as things were, there were only adults(?) involved.

      The location where they stayed, had at least 4 children under the age of 14 with them!!!

    • #6255
      Kathleen Pszonka
      • Total Posts: 113

      I think a warning sign at Millstream Gardens shore line would be helpful. There is one at Fisherman’s, or at least there used to be one. I might not make a difference, but it could help with liability issues on this Federally owned property. Perhaps Jim and Doris, campground hosts could notify the powers that be. I have seen Walmart kayaks and inner tubes launch at Fisherman’s at 20″. they swam before Big Drop. The sign didn’t help there. This river has an excellent safety record because of the safety of the boaters on it.

    • #6256
      • Total Posts: 230

      So what can we do as a community to prevent this from happening again (beyond simply educating people)? Would it be wise to contact MDC and request a sign be posted at Millstream?

    • #6261
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      It has gone on forever ! Darwin factor …. Once it gets warmer, too many idiots think all it takes is big cojones or big ovaries to paddle real WW ! They quickly learn differently…. Skills and time on the water rule. The rest learn the hard way !

    • #6264
      Bill Fordyce
      • Total Posts: 33

      I wouldn’t worry about rec boaters too much. I’m speaking from experience as that is how I got into kayaking. I was a canoe floater who boated through the shut-ins on a Saint float trip. No helmet, no float bags, cooler and camping gear. It was a low water summertime run and had no problems and didn’t see anyone on the river. We (the MWA) are not the river police. My experience has been to help rescue when you can, but ranting and raving a lecture is not needed. Folks usually know when they screwed up and if they don’t know, well there is always another chance… The Forest Service and MDC can put up all the warning signs they want, but people will do what they want.

    • #6267
      • Total Posts: 43

      I would tend to agree with Bill.  There is no way to stop poorly qualified and ill-equipped people from running the Saint.  It’s been going on forever; it’s not a new phenomenon.  As far as some tragedy resulting in restrictions on our being able to run the Saint, I don’t think that would happen.  Dozens of people have drowned on our float streams over the years and there are no restrictions on those rivers.

      As most of you probably know, there is a warning sign at Fisherman’s put-in.  If you are wondering why it’s there rather than at Millstream, here’s a bit of history.  Until the mid-80s, there was no river access at Millstream because the Tiemanns still owned the property and lived there.  Their house was where the pavilion is today, and understandably they did not want the area used as a put-in.  Back in those days, if you wanted to run the Saint, you had to put in off the old Hwy 72 bridge which was only about 5-6 feet above the river, or the low water bridge on Lower Stout’s, and run down to D.  The current put-in at Roselle did not exist either.  If you are wondering, the old 72 bridge was topped a number of times.

      I don’t remember the exact timing, but the Roselle and Fisherman’s put-ins were developed at about the same time, when the state acquired the land.  When Fisherman’s was opened, the Tiemanns might have moved out by then.  A ranger lived in the house for a couple of years until it was demolished and the current pavilion and parking lot were built.  That finally opened up access at Millstream, eliminating the need to put in at Fisherman’s unless you wanted a warm-up paddle.

      Before the access at Millstream was opened, Fisherman’s was the logical place for the warning sign.  Maybe the sign should be moved to Millstream, but there is no way to stop someone who is determined to run the river.  At low levels, all we can do is warn turkeys that the river is harder than any other river they have ever run in Missouri.  At high levels, all we can do is warn them that no one has died on the Saint – yet.

      At low levels, I would help a swimming turkey if in a position to do so.  At high levels, only if I were sure I could do so without endangering myself.   After that, it’s up to Darwin.

    • #6270
      • Total Posts: 557

      Fisherman’s was actually a boat trailer launch for awhile- but the upkeep and steepness finally doomed it for that use.

      The Tansils know the story on Roselle better than I, but you used to have to put-in on Stout’s low water bridge.

      As for rec boaters- it happens every spring. It’s like the lemmings going over the cliff. I will take the time to warn them, but otherwise, no need to waste any more on them- most are chewing leather to do what in their minds is the next step UP from being master of the Current River. Di and I have an extensive collection of cheap paddles, and pieces of equipment.

      I take issue with the question of regulation….If there is a source of revenue- a license, a fee, it will happen.

      A death on the saint, which is unlike the floatstreams in the state where deaths HAVE occurred, might get some bureaucrat chortling…..

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by McChuck. Reason: MAY FLY SCAM ALERT! "Thank you for your order. It will be shipped in 24 hours"
    • #6281
      • Total Posts: 40

      I should feel bad, making my first run on the Saint in my dad’s Grunman canoe with water ski life jackets and a tractor tire inner tube for floation back in 1982. Oz Hawksley’s chapter on the Saint drew me to the river and my dad made me buy his canoe after the trip due to the damage that occurred! Some of us learn the hard way but do become better paddlers with the right equipment.

    • #6284
      • Total Posts: 557

      Me too, but Elmer gave me a barely useable canoe from his canoe graveyard. When we were done it was barely-er.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by McChuck. Reason: or: "barely-er-est"
    • #6304
      John Tansil
      • Total Posts: 207

      wreck boats

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