The Missouri Whitewater Association holds an annual spring two-day clinic for kayak, open and decked canoes for people already possessing basic river paddling skills. We would like everyone to have some moving water experience in a whitewater boat before taking this clinic. The clinic is designed to introduce whitewater techniques on Class II whitewater. This is an ACA-sanctioned event.
Registration has closed.
Date: | April 27-28 2024 |
Where: | St. Francis River, Fredericktown, MO (see map below) |
Registration | Online registration is now closed. The clinic is full. |
Schedule: | Saturday, social hour begins at 8:00am with coffee available at the Silver Mines Lower Campground at the D bridge pavilion. Clinic kicks off at 9:00 a.m. and continues through the evening with a catered dinner at 5pm. Clinic concludes on Sunday afternoon. |
Cost: | MWA Member ($85) Non-member ($100) If you’re not currently a member of the MWA, you may register for the Clinic and join the MWA for only $100. |
What to Expect
If you have additional questions, please contact the Clinic Director at clinicdirector@missouriwhitewater.org.
Clinic Requirements
Whitewater sports are inherently risky so every precaution is taken to insure the participants and the instructors’ safety. For this reason, the MWA has outlined the following requirements:
- Each person must provide his/her own gear and boat. Helmets and PFDs are to be worn at all times while on the river. The water will be cold so pile or polypro is highly recommended along with a wetsuit or drysuit. Remember, whitewater boating means that you will get wet.
- Canoes should be fiberglass, ABS plastic or polyethelene. Aluminum, wood, canvas or square sterned boats will not be allowed to participate. All canoes must have bow and stern lines. Float bags are required.
- All decked kayaks and canoes must be made of plastic, fiberglass or kevlar. No wood or canvas boats are allowed. Float bags are required as are bow and stern grab loops.
- Minimum age for participation is 10 years old and is at the discretion of the clinic coordinator.
Food and Lodging
The MWA encourages people to camp at the Silver Mines Recreation Area. Call (877) 444-6777 or go to www.recreation.gov to reserve your site. Please note that camping fees are not included in your clinic registration. If you prefer not to camp, nearby lodging includes the DragonFly-In B&B south of Ironton (owned by boaters!), the Madison Inn in Fredericktown, the Arcadia Valley Academy, Plain & Fancy B&B near Ironton, and the Shepard Mountain Inn and Ft. Davidson motels in Pilot Knob. Saturday night dinner is catered at the Riverside Outdoor Pavilion (next to riverside campground) and is included in the cost of the clinic. You are responsible for providing all other meals. Lunches will most likely be eaten on the river so bring a waterproof bag to keep it dry and secured in your boat.
Other Info
Pre-registration online, by mail or email is required. To apply by mail send the application, the ACA waiver form, any membership applications, and the entry fee to the Clinic Coordinator by April 10. The clinic is on a first-come/first-served basis. For that reason, if you have to cancel or can’t make it, money will be refunded only if you cancel before April 1. We try to be lenient with this policy so don’t abuse it. If you must cancel, contact the clinic coordinator or registrar as soon as possible. If the water level is too high or too low, the MWA reserves the right to postpone or cancel the clinic in full or in part. If this occurs, you will be notified by telephone Wednesday or Thursday immediately before the clinic between 6 to 10 p.m. Please provide a phone number where you can be reached on these days.
Last updated Feb 1, 2024