Home Forums General Discussion New Year’s Eve or Day?

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    • #15764
      • Total Posts: 69

      Anyone paddling either day. New Year’s Day looks a bit warmer. Post your intent.

    • #15765
      Dan Bollinger
      • Total Posts: 413

      There are people going Mon-Wed and posting times on Facebook. I may wait for the warmer weather on Wed.

    • #15775
      • Total Posts: 87

      New Year’s Day

    • #15779
      • Total Posts: 293

      Too bad I do NOT burn gasoline gratuitously anymore, since I got my 100% electric Nissan Leaf! And I hardly BUY ANY GASOLINE anymore!! And the Leaf requires almost NO maintenance either!

      Now if I get a Tesla Model 3 like my nephew Paul JUST DID, I’d have to get an electric campsite so I could plug it into charge while I was boating! Now THAT would work! Better yet if I got a Tesla CyberTruck!


      John Kuthe, Climate Anarchist and Suburban Renewalist

      • #15780
        • Total Posts: 352

        hey John,
        since you can’t complain about the amount of gas it takes to go to the river,
        where were you New Years Day???
        we had a great day, you should have been there!!!
        crazy jerry

    • #15781
      • Total Posts: 293

      I was here:

      Record Racks

      Right side + Subs

      Left side

      And NOT BURNING ANY PETROLEUM!! And I HAVE NOT been burning much petroleum ever since I bought my 2013 Nissan LEAF! 100% electric, NO gasoline and I beat every Internal Combustion Engine powered Fartbox off the line and in the first 1000ft especially! Know why? TORQUE!! Ever slam a slot car controller? Yeah, THAT! Car goes screaming off the track and hits the WALL! 😉

      And my nephew Paul Kuthe just bought a Tesla Model 3!! So now we are both living in the 21st Century, having left the 20th Century BEHIND!

      John Kuthe…

    • #15782
      • Total Posts: 293

      In THIS:

      My 100% electric Nissan Leaf

      100% electric, ZERO gasoline, ZERO emissions, hardly any maintenance and quicker than a cat on speed, etc.

      John Kuthe…

      • #15783
        • Total Posts: 352

        cute! -has racks already-
        you did not say when we will see it at the river???
        last time you boated, you complained heavily about gas$$$
        no gas excuses, I expect to see you in 2020
        (old gear and boat won’t qualify for excuses either-you should have seen the old stuff that came out in the last couple of river outings-mine included)
        crazy jerry

    • #15784
      • Total Posts: 293

      Yep, I’d never own a vehicle without racks!

      BUT! I just bought a HOUSE!

      3068 Bellerive

      And I have a contract with Old World Roofing to restore the original clay tile roofing, $117,671. Done RIGHT! Removing each section of existing tiles, repair the subroof, etc.

      I may not get down to The Saint to boat, but oh well, we have to give up some luxuries to SAVE THE PLANET!

      John Kuthe, Climate Anarchist and Dead Serious about Saving Our Planet!

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