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    • #18763
      • Total Posts: 352

      what’s up with the new format?
      why does it say “log-in site poses rick” ???
      is it a scam?
      this administration has my email-
      why asking again?

      also, for us middle-aged, semi-blind people, this is hard to read?

    • #18781
      Casara Heaton
      • Preferred Boat: Kayak
      • Years Paddling: 15
      • Total Posts: 141

      Hey Jerry!

      We had a string of mandatory updates needed for event registration to work and it has been a whirlwind to get it all done so we can launch race/clinic/WFA/L4 certifications and more for the spring season

      I would love to know what notifications you saw that would send any thoughts of mistrust/spam as that is the exact reason we do updates periodically – the latest in software is the most secure. Please explain so I can address it.

      And lastly, I can see that parts of the forum now have a smaller text size – not something I did purposely, simply part of the heartaches of updates – I can address this easily.

      Please send me any thoughts on how I can do better.

    • #18794
      • Total Posts: 352

      you are doing wonderful.
      thank you for keeping this board alive for the few of us dinosaurs that still use it.

      I have not been able to replicate what happened before.
      logged out, I would click any title, page would show up, then a warning about ‘log-in site posed risk’
      once logged in, the ?pop-up? still appeared when clicking titles.
      this did not happen at all today, logged in or out
      I suffer -CRS- but I thought club name was in notice, may have came from ‘jetpack’?
      i’m using windows 10 from a desktop with (up-to-date- paid type) web security
      glitch in system? not showing up again? no notices from my computer security?

      sorry to have bothered you, thanks again for this board

    • #18809
      Jo Newbold
      • Total Posts: 58

      Hey, Casara, thanks for doing to updates to the website. I am glad we cna keep it up. I am not a FB fan so this is a great tool for us.


    • #18811
      Casara Heaton
      • Preferred Boat: Kayak
      • Years Paddling: 15
      • Total Posts: 141

      Thanks Jerry for letting me know!
      If it shows up again take a screenshot if possible.

      I have tweaked a setting in jetpack which I think caused your issue.

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