Tuesday 1 pm

Home Forums General Discussion Tuesday 1 pm

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    • #2876
      • Total Posts: 557

      Not to cut into the 8:30 action- but I am not a fan of the river at 6″.
      Some of us are planning a 1 pm trip and hopefully catch the rising crest.
      Hope it goes to 15″ again!

      • This topic was modified 9 years ago by McChuck. Reason: Marriages may be made in heaven- but so is thunder and lightning- Eastwood
    • #2878
      • Total Posts: 291

      I’m gonna take what Mother Nature serves!

    • #2879
      Jason Robinson
      • Total Posts: 88

      Can’t get out of work, but plan to come over right after.  Be there around 6 if anyone is up for a late run.

    • #2880
      • Total Posts: 291

      Chuck, I think you got your wish!! 🙂

    • #2881
      • Total Posts: 159

      Nate squared, Nat and I will be down around noon and hopefully the four of us will catch folks on second runs along with Chuck and Di.

      • #2884
        • Total Posts: 557

        Delay to 1 Bilbo…Cody and I would love to paddle with you all. (Di is working nights/sleeping days.)

        • This reply was modified 9 years ago by McChuck. Reason: bluetooth or schizophrenia- the question of the decade!
      • #2889
        • Total Posts: 159

        More like 1 actually

    • #2882
      • Total Posts: 557

      Still going up- but remember, the level reading at 72 takes at least 2 hours to get to MS.
      Yesterday I put in on the crest at 72 and rode it down, and even though I was going really slow and enjoying the solitude and nature (eagles and egrets, turtles, water snakes, etc.) I still had to wait a bit for dbl drop to go to 15″.
      So it’s 9:15 now- the 15″ that registers now, will not be at MS until 11….and if it peaks higher…..icing on the st fran cake!

      • This reply was modified 9 years ago by McChuck. Reason: If I learned anything from Peter Pan- it's okay for your dog to watch the kids while you go out and party!
    • #2887
      • Total Posts: 291

      The Saint is truly a majical river! 🙂

      Let’s go boating!! 🙂

    • #2892
      • Total Posts: 413

      Got on the river at 9am at 3″ and got off at 11:30ish and it was 10″. Keep rising Saint.

    • #2894
      • Total Posts: 557

      What a day! There were so many people on the river I kept thinking it was Saturday.
      Strange levels thru the day…12″ at cat’s paw, but double drop went into 15 inches, then by take-out at 5 pm it was 11 inches.
      We’ll try it again tomorrow- D at 1 pm.

      • This reply was modified 9 years ago by McChuck. Reason: As TV's have become flatter, people have become rounder...whatgives?
    • #2899
      Jason Robinson
      • Total Posts: 88

      Should have posted last night, but D Bridge was ~6 inches at 8:45 last night.  Me and Eric had the entire river to ourselves.  Too bad we missed everyone, but still the best day ever!


    • #2902
      Casara Heaton
      • Preferred Boat: Kayak
      • Years Paddling: 15
      • Total Posts: 139

      Whoa, I missed boating with the famous John Kuthe!  Thank you all for boating with Colleen yesterday and showing her how the pros of the MWA roll, she told me she had a great time and is looking forward to learning how to get better and better on rivers like the St. Francis.  This is why this organization is great – new people can come in and hang with some of the best.

    • #2903
      • Total Posts: 41

      It was a wonderfully surreal day with the changing water levels. My wife just laughs now when I say it’s
      the last day of the paddling season.

    • #2904
      • Total Posts: 291

      I’m not one of the pros, I didn’t even flip!

      Colleen looked epic! Hit every roll, no swims, and styled a number of things!

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