Home Forums General Discussion Today is the day for Howell

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    • #2157
      • Total Posts: 105

      Was out at Howell with Joey this weekend at 25.15 (Fri), 25.75 (Sat), and 26.75 (Sun). All where fun, but 25.15 and 25.75 were most awesome!!! Nice fluffy foam pile just a few feet high and 50-feet wide! No holes behind the wave to contend with. Surfing and spinning was awesome!

      The river is at 25.6 right now and dropping fast. Today’s the day! Solid class III skills are recommended. I will be out there around 5:30. Text if interested 636-699-2711.

    • #2158
      • Total Posts: 352

      Thanks Joe for good info.

      Considering that I am called “crazy” jerry- boaters may not expect safety advice from me,

      BUT – just because a person can make it down a class 3 St. Francis river at low water does not mean that they have solid class 3 skills.

      Just because Joe stated there is no monster hole there, it is still big water and a mistake will result in a very long swim if your “team” is not able to get you immediately. If your roll is iffy, this is not a good place to practice. I advice that a person does not go solo, and DO NOT take beginners here.

      Joe Sartori made it sound easy, but he is an expert boater. Not everyone is qualified to boat there. Be careful.

      crazy? jerry


    • #2177
      • Total Posts: 105

      Jerry–thank you for your additional safety concern. You are correct!
      The river dropped fast and by the time we got on, it was nearly a river-wide hole, except for one green tongue that would occassionally close in. Surfing the tongue and foam on the shoulders was really fun and a bit sticky.

    • #2179
      • Total Posts: 39

      Thanks for letting me join you guys! Btw- it scared the heck out of me! …just to put it into some perspective for other folks 😉 heh.

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