Home Forums General Discussion Tellico Trip – 2/20/16

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    • #5004
      Dan Bollinger
      • Total Posts: 413

      Levi, Gina, Jim, Matt, and I had a great trip to the Tellico. I think it was probably the most fun weekend of my life with a great group of people. It was the first type of falls I’ve ever been on and now my favorite river. We finally got on the road at 7pm on Friday and got to the campground around 3-4am. Matt was already there since he went to GA to pick up a trailer. With only a few hours of sleep, we woke up and did two laps on Saturday. We picked up some fire wood Sat evening and hung out around the campfire all evening with great weather. The rain stayed away until the next morning. It literally started to come down after we finally got all the gear packed up. It rained a little on us during lap one of two but overall, perfect weather and river levels. I’d definitely skip some important stuff to go back again.

    • #5006
      Matt Worobec
      • Total Posts: 56

      awesome–I should have gone!

    • #5014
      • Total Posts: 69

      Awesome!  Now you are really addicted.  That look back upstream from below Diaper Wiper is pretty amazing knowing that you just ran that.  You should join us on the Lower Gauley in the Fall.



    • #5022
      Dan Bollinger
      • Total Posts: 413

      Yep very addicted Will. You’re right, each time at the bottom of diaper was amazing. I wish the video could really show what that looks like in person. The elevation change is crazy. Definitely keep me posted on the dates for the Lower Gauley.

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