STILL sliding over wet rocks HOD-CON

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    • #4796
      John Tansil
      • Total Posts: 206

      Yep, D bridge at noon Saturday.

      Level per CJ @ 6pm Friday was -4 … doubt any different today (Saturday)

      Who can leave the most plastic on precambrian granite?

      • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by John Tansil.
    • #4799
      • Total Posts: 557

      John- I didn’t get a look at D today- but I’d bet it’s around -5″.

      The gauge at 72 is wrong.

      Di and I are going to the Black tomorrow.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by McChuck. Reason: I never taste food while I'm cooking for fear I'll lose the nerve to serve it- Phyllis Diller
      • #4814
        • Total Posts: 291

        I’ved run it as low as -6 and my big accomplishment that day was I didn;t have to get out ofg my boat once!! At what I call “minus who cares”, probably -14 or something stupid like that  I had to get out of my boat at the Dam Breach. There are some weird man made rocks under there!!


    • #4802
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      Based solely on weight, I got you both beat ! Miss you my brothers ….

    • #4805
      • Total Posts: 41

      I was tempted to slide John, but at -5 not sure I’m up for scraping. Regardless, enjoy this great weather!

    • #4807
      Levi Rhodes
      • Total Posts: 125

      The professor and I paddled the Saint at -4″ and had a great time!

      Trip report:

      Avoiding rocks was a great challenge, but more doable than I always remember of that level.

      Both of us were without our dry suits for different reasons- had to break out our two pieces!

      I left all my gear in Carbondale, and had to use all of my plan b gear… which included a canoe paddle-interesting while paddling the ol’ supersport.

      We saw no eagles, instead we saw a small frog and a large turtle.    No snakes….. yet.

      We encountered many hikers and dogs.

      If you’ve never been on the Saint at -4″, I recommend trying it!

      A day on the river is the best day ever!



      • #4813
        • Total Posts: 418

        Hey levi
        When I first came to the saint I did it at 2.68 on the usgs gauge thats about the lowest without getting out and dragging it was very complicated to figure out the routes to dodge the rocks. Zroute is so fun to do it at that level haha. Seeya at the races buddy!

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