Russel Fork Beta

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    • #3460
      • Total Posts: 313

      Hello All!

      Planning a trip out to the Russel Fork next weekend;


      Never been, but any good insight or beta you may have would be appreciated!


    • #3463
      • Total Posts: 56

      Dont take the river right sneak at Fist unless the water level is over 1000 cfs. Even then it is slightly dicey.



    • #3467
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      Watch yo ass !! Wish we were meeting there buddy !! Had some great times there, ehh Ray ? Don’t camp at the Breaks Park …. They are buttheads and then there’s the Bears ! Beautiful place to paddle. Get there early and try to camp at Rathole. (The Takeout for the Gorge)

    • #3474
      • Total Posts: 56

      They have recently made Breaks affordable again. You can get a site in the park for as little as $15, or just dirtbag it with the boater brahs down at the takeout like Freddie said.  I prefer clean showers and access to running water, so I just spend the $15.

      I do miss the RF MWA trips Freddie! For some reason they just seemed to stop altogether a few years ago. I still remember that time the Cardinals were in the playoffs and you and JohnT listening and hearing you shout when they were doing well 🙂

      Wish some folks were making a trip down this weekend or next, I could use a few more cheers at El Horrendo in a few weeks.


    • #3475
      • Total Posts: 313

      Thanks for the insight…raymond, you going to be down there this wknd?


      Levi, my brotha and I will be paddlin sat and sunday!


    • #3476
      • Total Posts: 56

      I’m planning on being there Saturday and Sunday. Will be camped up in loop D in the park on Saturday night as well.

      Probably wont get to the river until 12 or 12:30 on Saturday. Not really enough water until then to put on for the gorge directly, but you could put on higher up sooner.


      • #3481
        • Total Posts: 313

        Right on;  Any interest in showing us down?   I am down with verbal info / read and run, so hopefully wouldn’t hold you up much.

        If not, no worries, do what you do!

        • #3493
          • Total Posts: 56

          For sure, Ill take you guys down on Saturday.

          Just meet me at Ratliff hole (gorge takeout) at 12:30 on Saturday.


          • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Raymond. Reason: Wanted to be like Chuck
    • #3478
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      Well, good to hear ! Last time they charged us $72 for the 2 of us , Perfesser and I. We each had our own tent, so they charged us $36 per night. Yet Hoosiers with 35′ Motor Homes and all Hookups were paying $18 per night. The SLU Crew got yanked out of their 4 tents and handed a bill for like $120 dollars, for 8 campers. The staff were idiots !! Did not like Paddlers…after I moved to the Caribbean, people quit goin !

    • #3549
      • Total Posts: 69

      Well, how did it go with Chris and friends.  Did they love the Gorge run?  Any carnage?  Would love to run the Fork someday just overly concerned about the Sieve factor.  Maybe someday. 

      Make sure you post how you do at the race.  I’m sure you’ll represent MWA well.  Good Luck.



    • #3565
      • Total Posts: 313

      A terrific trip it was!    Levi, Terry and I left STL around 6:30 Friday night;  We camped at Breaks Interstate Park with absolutely zero hassel both Friday and Saturday night.

      We were fortunate enough to have Raymond show us down our PFD on Saturday a.m.    The Gorge was far more beautiful than I could have ever expected.    The tight, technical riverbed made for an epic day on the river.

      Despite ” The Fist”, we  charged all of the big boys with a some rocketrolls mixed in on a few drops for good measure!

      My heart really got pumping when we reached the crux of the run, “El Horrendo”.  While rather straight forward, the move is the epitome of the Paddle and Pray concept…

      Fortunately, this rapid looked a hell of alot like Tunnel  Rapid out on Gore Canyon, which gave me a boost of faith to gut the meatline!

      Day 2 consisted of more confident paddling on all of our parts;  Knowing the lines, best moves and boofs, etc, all made for a great day.

      For those of you who have not been down there to check it out, it is certainly a worthy destination!

      Below is an edit I put together of some of the key rapids.


      Chris Ward



    • #3566
      • Total Posts: 69

      Great video.  I always like it when the editor adds the name of the at least the big rapids.  I’m still on the fence about running it someday.  The video definitely helps get a feel for it.  Raymond is a great guide and Levi is always great to paddle with.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by WillPaddle.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by WillPaddle.
    • #3569
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      Good job on the video !

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