Report from the Saint (59-24)

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    • #2416
      • Total Posts: 557

      DANG IT!

      I’ve been trying to catch th saint at 5 feet over for a long time so I can surf my buzz wave below double drop. Today was my chance- I dropped Di off with boaters doing middle Stout’s to various locations-  Penuel, 72, millstream, etc. and I hurried to Millstream. Not a soul was there- so another solo day! The surf waves at Entrance seemed especially big, and again I was dodging a constant barrage of logs and debris.- and Big drop was under water completely. The fact that all this new debris was coming down river told me the river was probably at 8 feet or higher. NUTS!

      The top two feet of the Cat’s Paw were still above water, but I knew 5′ was also under water. Sure enough, when I got to double drop, I caught my wave- but it was pulsing and violent and when I got thrown off, I couldn’t attain back up. I took out river left and walked my boat back up- but the best reentry spot was taken by a really large cottonmouth who didn’t seem inclined to move. I found another spot.

      I paddled back up to double drop and this time failed miserably to catch my wave and not wanting to carry my boat back to MS I decided to go on down and surf my way to Turkey Creek. Both Mud Creek and Turkey were really pumping and when I saw the foot bridge at Turkey had no space I knew it was high. I took out at Turkey creek and rested in the rain, when down the river came Di and Curtis.

      Curtis had his car at Turkey Creek but the shuttle didn’t work out- but Doris and Jim kindly gave us a ride back to MS. The LEVEL at 5 pm when we left D was 9 feet over the bridge and rising.

      On the way home Stout’s Creek was well over the low water bridge.

      So- tomorrow will be good water- probably Stout’s still doable, and the Saint over the bridge and good, warm June water.

      • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by McChuck. Reason: Life is like the downward flight of a beautiful angel
    • #2421
      • Total Posts: 291

      Epic!! WOW!! 🙂

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