Report from the Saint (21-0)

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    • #982
      • Total Posts: 557

      The saint is up- for those who dare. Even the gravel around here is getting treacherous.

      Looks like there will be boating Saturday however.

      • This topic was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by McChuck. Reason: Sometimes the road less travelled is less travelled for a reason!
    • #984
      Mamba Joe
      • Total Posts: 14

      How much ice do you anticipate on the river this weekend?

    • #985
      • Total Posts: 557

      That’s a good question! I wish I could get out and see. The river pools were frozen solid. One- they can break up as the river rises and go on downstream (be on the alert) but two-  I have also seen them stay put and the water go over them- which is weird as all get out to boat in.

      I think with warming trend Sat. or Su. will be okay.

      There is a lot of water on the ground, and it is now snowing heavily.

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by McChuck. Reason: Do what you feel in your heart is the right choice- cause you'll get criticized ither way
    • #987
      Levi Rhodes
      • Total Posts: 125

      Yesterday mud creek pool was frozen but slushy and we were able to plow through.  Unless if it freezes solid again, it should be good to go.

    • #988
      • Total Posts: 291

      Told ya so!!! 🙂

    • #989
      Mamba Joe
      • Total Posts: 14

      Any visual would be great. Probably will go Sunday.
      Thanks for any report from those boating between now & Sunday.

    • #991
      • Total Posts: 313

      Caught the saint early this morning in the 18 – 27 inch range. Towards the end of run # 1, the snow picked up quite a bit. All pools were certainly good to go, and I am sure even more clear now with the higher levels.

      The road to D a bit sketchy!

      Will be boating tomorrow a.m.; Shooting for two laps.

    • #997
      John Tansil
      • Total Posts: 206

      Yeah me too … NOT boating tomorrow.  No school. Shooting for two naps.


    • #1019
      Jason Robinson
      • Total Posts: 88


      You planning to run upper+ lower on Sunday?

      Might meet you there

      • #1029
        Mamba Joe
        • Total Posts: 14


        There are several of us coming over Sunday. We should be at D 10:30 – 10:45. Hope to see you there.

    • #1022
      Mamba Joe
      • Total Posts: 14

      Planning a Sunday run.

      We typically run from 72 down to D just because we travel so far. I will let you know what time we plan to be at D. Usually 10:30 or so.

    • #1023
      • Total Posts: 557

      It was 29″ when we left at 5 pm Thursday. It is going to be a great weekend I think.

      Thanks to Chris and Levi for the shuttle, who’ve been on the river multiple times.

      Di and Levi are going today.

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by McChuck. Reason: A piano fell down a mine shaft- it was in A-flat Minor
      • #1025
        Mamba Joe
        • Total Posts: 14

        Any issues with ice Chuck?

    • #1026
      Levi Rhodes
      • Total Posts: 125

      Joe, yesterday the mud creek pool had a thick layer of ice that made for a portage at times. It kept breaking and shifting with the current, so maybe it will have washed out/melted by now.

      • #1028
        Mamba Joe
        • Total Posts: 14

        Thanks Levi! Much appreciated.

    • #1027
      • Total Posts: 15

      Any more melting on the way to raise current levels? I was hoping for more water on saturday, thoughts?

    • #1035
      Levi Rhodes
      • Total Posts: 125

      No ice issues at all today.

      And where all of the slackerz?? Its after 2 on a Friday, and there are no shuttle buddies. Get your bums down here or you’re grounded.  ALL OF YOU. It’s a very happy 20″ out, so level snobs need not complain. Besides, everyone knows the best level is 0″.

      -Your favorite morale officer.

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