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    • #1267
      • Total Posts: 352

      It seemed to be a great weekend of racing. Good weather, Above “0” water level.

      I want to thank all who helped in any manner.

      I really want to thank the timing team for posting Saturdays results on Sunday. For those of us that did not go to the race banquet, it is nice to see end results without having to wait until it is posted on the message board.

      Thanks again to all, and may we have many more great races.


      crazy jerry

    • #1268
      Michael Dee
      • Total Posts: 138

      As I remarked to Chris and Jim, I can’t recall a race that went more smoothly than this one. I mean even the downriver race ended in plenty of time for cocktails before the banquet, and there was still plenty of food at the end of the line! Beautiful weather, a course that made the most of the challenges available in that stretch of water, great tee-shirt design and excellent takeout service!

      Thank you to all who worked so hard to make this event run so well: rolling tee-shirts, procuring swag, stepping in to announce, hawking wares, loading and sorting gear again and again…



      • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Michael Dee.
      • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Michael Dee.
    • #1272
      • Total Posts: 293

      So sorry I had to miss this one, especially. 🙁 Seems like the perfect race weekend! 🙂

    • #1275
      Garrett Bentley
      • Total Posts: 3

      I agree with Mike and Jerry, this years races seemed to go almost effortlessly and was the only year I have got all my runs in in a day. I know it was a hard decision to cap the number of racers and decide on how many that would be, but I think you all made the right choice here.

      It was so great to catch up with everyone and hope to see you all soon out east.

    • #1280
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      Congratulations to Crazy Jerry for not only becoming inducted as a Pansy Pirate, buttt also being elected Pirate of The Year ! Unheard of in the past !  Sorry to have missed the Races and the Pirate Party..   AAaarrr my buckos !

    • #1287
      Dan Bollinger
      • Total Posts: 413

      As a first timer and volunteer, it was a lot of fun and everything was very professional. I can definitely tell its been done for 48 years the way everything flowed along so smooth. Couldn’t ask for better weather and people to be around. Good job everyone who was involved.

    • #1292
      • Total Posts: 2

      It’s been 11 years since I last attended the races. This year’s race went very smoothly with many of the “old-timer” volunteers commenting on how timely the events were.   I know that it is alot of work to prepare and run the races. I truly admire the outcome of everyone’s hard work. It was spectacular.

      By the way, it is wonderful to see so many of the “youngsters” (under 40) participating.

    • #1293
      jon serfas
      • Total Posts: 50

      I guess I’m not considered a youngster, anymore, but I know one that had the time of her life. Elsa and I are very thankful to all that ran the river with us this weekend. She developed a lot of confidence, some new skills and a healthy respect for the river. She said her first real swim was terrifying but she knew she had lots of help and safety. With a little help, she shrugged it off, finished the run and couldn’t wait to tell everybody all about it.

      Thanks, again. I can’t imagine a better group of folks to mentor her. I guess there were some races going on, too. Sounds like that went great, as well. Great job and big thanks to everybody for everything.

      If anyone has a pic of Elsa on the Water, I would love to get a copy/jpeg.

    • #1294
      • Total Posts: 159

      Jon, I have several pictures of Elsa and have already posted them on Facebook.  I linked pics on my Dropbox this morning.


      • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Bilbo. Reason: For Dad
    • #1304
      • Total Posts: 352

      AARRRR mates,

      It is good to be a pirate.

      Not all pirates drink rum.

      (although in a different life, Bacardi 151 was my favorite beverage)

      But all pirates love water.


      crazy jerry

    • #1309
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      To be honest, I thought you already were a Pirate ! Glad they made it official ! The love of WW is part of the bond …. Miss you buddy ! 151 …. No wonder you quit drinkin !!

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