Home Forums General Discussion gage is headed straight up???

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    • #16938
      • Total Posts: 352

      roselle gage is rising.

      i’m not sure where the rain hit?


      i’m not sure if there is enough water to make it down to millstream?

      d-bridge was at neg 15 for last few days

      chuck? di? randy? anyone?

      call me (i have lost most phone #s so if you have my number, call and leave message)

    • #16940
      • Total Posts: 352

      what a great run!!!

      i couldn’t convince myself to run the negative numbers earlier in the month,

      but when i got there at 3;15- i think the level was ‘6’

      when we left at 5;45 level was just over ‘2’

      best day ever (this month- so far)

      crazy jerry

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