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    • #941
      • Total Posts: 85

      Going to be 36 and sunny any interest in a run Sat.

    • #945
      Levi Rhodes
      • Total Posts: 125

      Does anyone know how accurate the gauge is being this week?  Says -2.5 but I wonder if it’s really that high.  With hopes that the snow melts and brings ‘er up, I might be there Saturday.  Maybe it will rain and drain the creeks!!  Hope it works out, Coop.

    • #946
      John Tansil
      • Total Posts: 207

      Coop —  Hope springs eternal! …. I would love to be there but strictly as an “interested observer.”  The entertainment value should be very high. Getting to take-out and put-in could be more exciting than the paddling!! (where the hell are the little emoticons??) The paddling itself would personify “hitting the water” although it might be more like a luge run gone wrong!? I envy your “gung-ho, attaboy” attitude.
      jt i-b-a-wussy

    • #947
      • Total Posts: 85

      I always live on the positive approach  to life            ( better known to my wife as fantasy land).  Then end up afterwards  wondering what the hell  was I thinking.

    • #948
      Dan Bollinger
      • Total Posts: 413

      I will come if the level is going to be closer to zero but my guess is it won’t. Today high of 26, tomorrow high of 23, and Saturday is the high around 3pm so I don’t imagine there will be much melting.

    • #958
      Dan Bollinger
      • Total Posts: 413

      Well hopefully I’m wrong on the melting, the level is coming up.

    • #959
      • Total Posts: 557

      Yeah, that’s the ticket……we’ll have a little, er uh, I mean big, er uh I mean huge runoff today and tonight when the temp reaches 18 degrees. Yeah….and all that ice is going to just slowly,,er I mean…quickly melt overnight and conditions will be poor, er uh, I mean GREAT.

      My wife, Morgan Fairchild (whom I’ve made love to) is coming with me. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

      We’ll be there tomorrow at HOD- no….. I mean 6am.  To be FIRST on the river.

      Or my name isn’t Tommy Flanni…er, uh Flanaygan.

    • #962
      • Total Posts: 293

      Hee hee! It’s gonna warm up a little and rain next week, and The Saint’s gonna come up over D Bridge!

      Mark my words! 🙂

    • #981
      Dan Bollinger
      • Total Posts: 413

      Well wonder what this winter storm is going to bring tomorrow? I was hoping to paddle this coming Saturday. 11am is 42degrees with a high of 50 but depends on the stupid snow/sleet tomorrow.

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