Home Forums General Discussion 2022 picnic and meeting

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    • #19600
      • Total Posts: 352

      This years picnic has passed.
      It was good to see people, talk to old friends, enjoy a good meal.
      Many thanks to organizers, officers, and other volunteers.
      However, the meeting– WTH, WTH, WTH????
      I receive e-mails reminding me of picnics, clinics, races, other important stuff.
      If we had to vote on ANYTHING, all info should have been sent by email before the picnic.
      We didn’t need or want all the details in person.
      Total time for the vote could have taken less than 10 minutes.
      I heard somebody say that it took less time to drive from the Black river to Silvermines.
      It is interesting that MWA has 20? Subcommittees?
      If every committee report took only 5 minutes to read, that is still over 1 1/2 hours.
      Jeff C. does a good job of reporting issues we need to hear about without a oral report.
      There is a “sticky” section at top of this page that could have been used.
      Sorry, most info could’ve been emailed or posted on this or the Facebook before the picnic.
      Thanks again for a good picnic, not so much the annual meeting
      Crazy Jerry

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