Brewers Creek

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    • #3956
      George and Rhonda Palmer
      • Total Posts: 82

      Well, Im sitting here on break just kinda lookin for runs near the house and came across Brewers Creek. Has anyone ran this one? Any photos?

    • #3960
      John Tansil
      • Total Posts: 207

      Only 1 known run, about 10-20 years ago, by Chuck, Tim O, myself, and others(?). The Saint was several feet over D bridge. You put in off Hwy 221 after Brewers comes out of Lake Hanna. It’s basically a drainage ditch at this point and you immediately have to portage a barbed wire fence and paddle through people’s back yards. We startled a guy in his yard beside his trailer. He didn’t look happy. The run is very long and the good drops are concentrated in a short section not far from the beginning. After that its just a flooded creek with trees to dodge until you get to the takeout on Hwy MM/MCR537. My opinion …. I did it once but not again …. not enough “bang-for-the-buck” …. too much wasted time when other better creeks are to be had. The highlight (lowlight?) of the trip was finding a Swank magazine at the put-in.
      — JohnT

    • #3961
      George and Rhonda Palmer
      • Total Posts: 82

      Well hell. Atleast did you keep the magazine?

    • #3963
      • Total Posts: 557

      I liked the run- it was fairly challenging, good gradient, and pristine- I think a good portion goes through national forest.but it is probably not a good idea now with even more landowners at the put-in. Probably more barbed wire.

      At the end you join Ouichita Creek for a short really nice Cl-III shut-ins that then dumps into the Saint, one mile above Roselle bridge. We use to often just park along the co. road and do the Ouichita section. BTW- the locals pronounce it Wah shee tah.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by McChuck. Reason: No pessimist ever sailed to an uncharted island
    • #3966
      George and Rhonda Palmer
      • Total Posts: 82

      Curious. I suppose I will be roadtrippin’ out that way this weekend.

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