Home Forums Gear Exchange Looking for Crossover Kayak

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    • #6223
      Justin Craig
      • Total Posts: 4

      New to the sport and I’m looking for a boat I can paddle up to class 3 with, but also decent on flat water. A boat with a drop skeg and rear hatch would be preferred. I’m 5’9 and 155lbs. Since this will be my first boat, I’m trying to keep things as economical as possible. Anyone have any suggestions?

      Dagger Katana, Pyranha Fusion, Liquid logic Remix XP9 or something similar?

      • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Justin Craig.
    • #6250
      • Total Posts: 24

      I have an xp10 available in Cape Girardeau.  573-614-2389.  Text or call

    • #6322
      Matt Bliss
      • Total Posts: 33

      I have a friend who I believe is selling his XP9 (orange). If your interested text me and I’ll send ya his info. 618-967-two one three three.

      • #6381
        • Total Posts: 1

        Hi there – looking for a crossover as well. Same kayaking level as the first poster – is this still available?

        Thanks so much!

    • #6386
      Jason Robinson
      • Total Posts: 88

      I don’t have any of these boats for sale.

      I was making the same search as you several years ago, and it was recommended for me to try a Fusion.  And I can tell you it is an excellent boat, for overnighting on float streams or doing up to class 3 whitewater, maybe even  higher.  It’s a very stable boat and pretty fast.  Great for ferrying, and I’ve ran the Ocoee in mine with no problems, as well as the Downriver Race on the Saint Francis.  I have not really paddled the other boats for comparison.

      Have noticed they are pretty difficult to find a used one.  Most people seem to want to keep them.  I would offer to let you demo mine, if you just want to try it out.  I have a Medium and a Small.

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