Home Forums General Discussion Weekend Kayaking Footage

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    • #8464
      Levi Rhodes
      • Total Posts: 125

      Linked is the gopro footage from this weekend. Chris, Regina, and I went down to the Green for some boofs.  It was Gina’s first time stepping up to this run, and she did really well in my 9r.   I survived in my playboat…  Chris had styling lines as always.  No swims from any of us.  It was neat to watch a stranger run the Christopher Columbus line at Gorilla, but I didn’t capture it on video. Look it up!  Great weekend.  Thanks for driving and playing safety, Chris, and nice job, Gina.


      Edit: Link is updated.

    • #8465
      Levi Rhodes
      • Total Posts: 125

      Updated link, video should be good to go.

    • #8526
      • Total Posts: 24

      Nice run! So-Where did you get that soundtrack???

    • #8542
      Levi Rhodes
      • Total Posts: 125

      My room mate suggested a youtube channel which posts easy going instrumental beats every other day.  The artist is called Limes and the album is called Freshly Squeezed.  Great music to work to.

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