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    • #10111
      Curtis Elwood
      • Total Posts: 53

      I’m not sure if I’ll post a more detailed story but wanted to get this out there as I figured folks might like to see the video from Sunday.

      Alex F, Ryan Matthews, and I ran the upper on Sunday. Like Chuck said, pretty washed out. Alex did manage a nice surf on the first breaking wave though.  Video here:  https://youtu.be/tzswEUheutU

      After some scouting and talking, Nathan Eades showed up and he joined Alex and I for the lower. I decided to run second as Alex had just done the lower the day prior and I wanted something in the foreground of the helmet cam.

      I had to wait for a log to pass before peeling out so I was further behind Alex than I planned to be.  The first wave was huge.  I hit the tongue where I wanted to but the top broke over and flipped me.   I managed to roll up quickly and got my act together going through Big Drop.   I spotted Alex again and followed him down the right as I approached Cat’s Paw. Managed to shrug off some big reactionary waves then hit a monster haystack, which slowed me down, and then got absolutely hammered by what seemed to be, and may have been, a 2-story wall of water.  I leaned in hard but the top broke over an tossed me back upstream.

      I had some solid roll attempts but kept getting knocked back over and opted to bail after a good amount of downtime. I’ll let Alex and Nathan fill in the blanks here but I self-rescued and eventually met up with Alex and Nathan around Mud Creek. I strategically waited until Turkey Creek to get to shore.  Alex was separated from his boat but it was amazingly recovered later in the day stuck against the tall highway D bridge.

      The swim portion of the video is pretty cringe-worthy and I’m opting to not share that right now.  Everyone got off safe and at least 2/3 of the trio were sufficiently humbled. More details will surely come out around the campfire.

      Video here: https://youtu.be/YHPL4YUBTn4

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Curtis Elwood.
    • #10127
      Sarah Watson
      • Total Posts: 120

      Those were monster waves.  I’m glad you all were ok!!!  Thank you for sharing, Curtis.


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