Home Forums General Discussion Thursday Boating

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    • #1478
      Levi Rhodes
      • Total Posts: 125

      Looking to get out Thursday around 12:30 and take my older brother whitewater kayaking for his first time!  Depending on level, and what our shuttle situation looks like, we might try to warm up on the upper.  I am certain he will do well considering that he rolled up on his third attempt while learning, got his offside roll in his first pool session, and is fairly competent in most things he tries…  Since he just moved back from Denver, I am excited to get him out to try something new that I think he may like.  Let me know if you would be interested in getting out, slacking, and showing a newbie to a good time.   ALSO!  If you have a medium sized boat you would let him borrow, let me know!  Otherwise he will be in an old school Perception Super Sport.  Like most newbies, he may be more comfortable in a more forgiving modern river runner.   I have float bags and such, as well.  I’m hoping somebody will want to get out Thursday.  Let me know! Thanks.  573 382 1076


    • #1484
      Ryan Cullen
      • Total Posts: 59

      Hey I’ll more than likely be there

    • #1488
      John Tansil
      • Total Posts: 207

      He can borrow my medium Mamba or my small Shiva. I can leave one or both on front porch for him to sit in. Give me a call if he wants one of these. — jt

    • #1504
      • Total Posts: 19

      I will be @ D about 10:00 am.  I’m hoping to do a bomber run if someone else is there and plan to meet up with you by 12:30 for an afternoon run or two.  The water  precip data looks great.   I can’t wait!

    • #1505
      • Total Posts: 293

      River’s gonna be huge! It’s Wed evening right now, and massive rain/hail storms just passed through everything just north of our beloved Saint!!

      Here it comes!! Look at the gage!! 🙂

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by JohnKuthe....
    • #1507
      • Total Posts: 313

      I will be there!  heading down tonight to ride out the storms and get some early bigwater laps in!


      catch you all down there


    • #1510
      Ryan Cullen
      • Total Posts: 59

      I’m going to try and make it down there by 10:00 tomorrow but will for sure be there by 12:00

    • #1511
      • Total Posts: 313

      I am heading down now.      Going to get a bomber lap in and meet anyone interested a@ D by 10.


      c u there.


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