TBT for those of you that remember Kenny Alcorn

Home Forums General Discussion TBT for those of you that remember Kenny Alcorn

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  • Author
    • #3363
      Deborah Alcorn
      • Total Posts: 5

      Kenny Alcorn


    • #3364
      Deborah Alcorn
      • Total Posts: 5

      I tried to upload a picture of Kenny and it didn’t work.  Then I didn’t know how to delete the message.

      sorry for the junk on your message board   🙁

      Deb Alcorn

    • #3365
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      Deb, I cannot figue it out either, and the directions include “photobucket” It is 2015, does this really have to be this difficult ? On the other side, Kenny was a great guy ! Always enjoyed his and your company. He is well remembered !

    • #3366
      Deborah Alcorn
      • Total Posts: 5

      I thought it would mean more putting it here instead of facebook.  —  I think I’ll post it there since I can’t figure this out.  ff someone could show me how – or I can send the picture to someone that knows how to do it and would post it for me I would really like that

      Deb Alcorn

    • #3372
      • Total Posts: 291

      When you try and post an image on the MWA board, what you get is a thing that pops up and asks for a web link to where the image file is. The image needs to be hosted on some other site “webbable” as I say, in other words that has a URL link to it. I use tinypic.com.

      But tinypic.com is being a PITA for me lately, so I can’t demonstrate because IT’S broken!

    • #3375
      Deborah Alcorn
      • Total Posts: 5

      Alright then.  I’ll just post it on Facebook.  hopefully this thread will fade off into the sunset…………….

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