Home Forums General Discussion T shirt designs for 2016 MWC-deadline extension

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    • #3945
      Sarah Watson
      • Total Posts: 120

      Attention all artists and designers!!  Bring your T shirt design ideas to the MWA Holiday party this Saturday at Seamus McDaniel’s.  The design with the most votes will be selected for the Official 2016 MWC T shirt!


      • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by jw.
    • #3967
      • Total Posts: 679

      Since time is getting short, the Race Committee has moved the deadline for 2016 Race T-shirt design submittals to January 1st, 2016.  Submitted designs will be posted on the message board, and MWA members will have the opportunity to vote (electronically) on their favorite design.

      Now all we need is your designs!  Email ‘leadership at missouriwhitewater dot com’ for submittal details.


      – jw

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by jw.
    • #3971
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      I can only hope they get back to utilizing good quality, 100 % Cotton shirts. Charge more, whatever…. Just my 2 cents …

    • #3996
      • Total Posts: 679

      pink ok?  as long if it’s good quality 100% cotton?

    • #4007
      Sara Wysong
      • Total Posts: 67

      Pink will be perfect!!

    • #4580
      • Total Posts: 679

      T-shirt artists!  Last chance for T-shirt designs.  We’ve been overwhelmed by submissions – None so far!  That’s overwhelming!

      Please bring your designs to the MWA meeting tomorrow, 12 Jan at the Olympia, or submit them via email, etc.  Or call.

      Last chance, or we’re going with generic white shirts with black lettering “49th MWC”.  Or maybe just use all the old small & XXXL t-shirts with the lettering overprinted for 2016!

    • #4582
      Dan Bollinger
      • Total Posts: 413

      Any way to see what they old finalists look like? We have some good artists here at the school I work at, but I’d like to give them ideas to base off of.

    • #4584
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      Can you go with that Cats Paw one from like 1986 …. What a classic !

    • #4587
      • Total Posts: 679

      We have a goal to photograph & display all the old t-shirt designs.  John Foster did that several years ago, and it was published in a newsletter – I believe in 2009.  I have a paper copy, but no electronic copy  (the old message board had electronic copies of many of the old printed newsletters but that one was missing), and the last time I checked with John, he couldn’t find the original photos.  I have all the shirts back to about 1989, Chris Matsuno has them back a few more years before that, and Slim probably has the oldest shirts pile.  So – one of these days, we’ll post them all, even the Cats Paw one.  But probably not before this race.

      In some past years we’ve had multiple designs submitted, and then a winner is picked & the other designs disappear.  In many cases they are close competitions, so it’s too bad we don’t have a file of those near-winners to consider for another year.  The wording on the shirts (year, “49th”, etc.) are usually pretty easy to change.

      We’ll work on that historical t-shirt photo file…  (In the meantime, if someone wants a email of a particular t-shirt photo, let me know & I’ll see if I can find it & take a pic!)

    • #4589
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      Wish I could help. I am not very artistic….. That is an overstatement ! I could possibly do a Stickman on a log design. Too bad all those old designs went to the circular file. Contact Lil Holdmeier, he is quite adept at design. I realize Bling is prolly burnt out on it. I will send JH an eMail. I think this would be a good time to repair the artistic damage he suffered when his design was backwards ! Just change the colors and numbers !! That was the 2010 model where they put the back on the front and vice versa ! Great shirt !

      • #4643
        Katie Shepard
        • Total Posts: 10

        I’m wearing it right now!!!  Haha!

        I don’t know Freddie, I’d vote for your Stickman on a Log.   I say go for it!

    • #4647
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      Katie, so sorry I missed ya’ll here ! That is a 5 hour drive each way, and I had just gotten back to the Mountains after taking Eli Helbert to the Airport in Punta Cana. I drove right past Casa de Campo. I hope you guys can come back sometime and come to the beautiful Mountainous, whitewater portion of the Country !  Doubt whether I will send in MWA Membership dues this year. None of my old MWA People have showed up here to paddle, and I cannot attend the PiGnic etc …. Love you, and hope you and Carl bring the babies to see me sometime, To PADDLE !

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