Home Forums Gear Reviews Stohlquist Men's Storm Farmer John Wetsuit

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    • #843
      Dan Bollinger
      • Total Posts: 413

      Since we have no reviews on the new site I thought I’d throw my thoughts on some gear I own. I bought the Stohlquist Men’s Storm Farmer John Wetsuit in November 2014 and I love it. I got it for around $80 on amazon so the price has went up since then, but it keeps me comfortably warm even in the low 30 temps. I’ve swam when the air temp was in the 30s and the water had ice in places but this kept me warm (with the addition of my drytop). I was even going to make a second run that day but ran out of daylight. If I keep paddling in the 30s or above I don’t ever see the need for a drysuit.

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