Quite a day today. Cody, Di and I all did middle and lower Stout’s at just over the Tansil gauge- which I think stops at 7 feet. I had never done it that high. Middle Stout’s is actually harder at lower levels, but the waves were huge and you did NOT want to go right after going under the bridge.
Lower had rapids I’d never seen before. 5 boat hole was huge and almost snuck up on us as there was some major rapids just above it that kept us busy. 2nd helping was still a pretty good hole, but I think it was punchable. We did have to unpin a boat which took us well over an hour.
The upper saint (I’m guessing) was over 10 feet. There were four huge beautiful BGW’s. By the time we got to MS we had to call it a day as Di had to get to work.
Radar shows an s-load of run coming our way tonight. Not sure if it is good or bad news LOL. Stout’s came very close to coming our of its banks this morning, and while it has dropped 3 feet, another inch of rain is going to be quite a show.
More rain on the saint…….may be legend days.
This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by McChuck. Reason: Misery loves company...and whiskey too! Don't forget whiskey!