Home Forums General Discussion rain-Castor river

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    • #15343
      • Total Posts: 352

      So I was at the farm this weekend, a few showers on Sunday morning, nothing to get excited about.

      I was leaving to go hone about 5 pm-standing water in ditches everywhere by Fredericktown.

      J road- all drainage ditches are full. I cross the Castor river-big and brown

      I’m guessing scattered, severe showers. My farm near the Saint got .25 or less.

      I bet the Castor watershed got over 2 inches based on the amount of standing/running water.

      I’m wishing some of it could have hit the Saint




    • #15364
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      Now CJ, R ya sure that there Castor is within yur skill set ? You are a Perryville paddler, and Hghy J itself is Class IV drive ! I know cuzz I was formerly the Jefe of the Castor River Pirates , and I used to race some knut across Highway J in the Chuck McHenry “Ridge Runner “ style  (don’t touch no brakes) This guy drove a Red Suburban like it was a Masserati ! I sure miss that run with my homies ! Even the time we ran it after the Tornado ..,, I miss all ya’all !

    • #15368
      • Total Posts: 352

      Hey Mr. Freddie.

      I remember some of those runs. You had the advantage of a manual transmission, and could just grab a lower gear to slow down. My Maserati inspired Chevy burb. had an auto trans. and I had to tap brakes to exit warp-speed.

      Aren’t you supposed to visit the states soon?

      The Saint (instead of drying up) has gotten up to low water several times waiting for you. I’m hoping to catch it today, I’ll be thinking of you.

      So, as a pirate that gets to live on an island, when are you getting a parrot?

      Be well, my friend.

      crazy jerry

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