I would like to sign up for a race on Saturday – I was thinking the Slalom, novice class (never raced before!). All I have is a small playboat about 7 feet long. I saw that there were minimum length requirements for the classes, so my question is: am I allowed to sign up with this boat? If so, which class is right for me? Thanks.
You can race that boat in the novice class and in your age group class on Saturday. If you wanted to race Sunday , you could race it in the short boat class. The cut off says 7’6″ or 3.5 meters which aren’t equal but think we go by the feet, as I have been racing my 8′ boat in the long class.
I won my only medal in the MWC in my Riot 007, a 7’2″ “catbox”, as MWAers called it (Chris Kelly I think started it!) I call my only medal my “stinkin’ medal”, 3rd place K1 men’s novice because it took me winning my stinkin’ medal to realize I had no business racing, I’m only the slowest boat in the pack!
And, Uncle John, always the last boat off the river ! You always did milk it for all it was worth !! You were also instumental in helping to create one of the best paddlers ever to come out of the MWA. No small feat …
This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Freddie Carter.