Home Forums General Discussion mwa member contact???

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    • #902
      • Total Posts: 352

      On the old message board, if a member was logged in, they had a way to see a phone # or possibly send an email to other registered members. I understand that no-one wants the general pubic to see their info, but is there any way to contact other registered members without posting on the board for all to see?

    • #903
      Casara Heaton
      • Preferred Boat: Kayak
      • Years Paddling: 15
      • Total Posts: 141

      If you click on their name you can send them a private message – which will send them an email right away.

      As far as phone #’s we don’t ask for it yet when you sign up to use the site, but I have it on my list to work with John T about having the MWA membership directory incorporated into the site for view to signed-in MWA members.

    • #904
      • Total Posts: 352

      Thank you.

      Can someone test this?

      When I tried to test, I never received e-mail notification.

      crazy jerry

    • #905
      • Total Posts: 352

      hello again’

      I received 2- priv massages. Thank you

      I received email notification from “coop” immediately,

      I received the one from “ckheaton” time stamped the same time as the pm., but it did not bounce into the email for  approx. 23minutes.

      Glad to know that the system works.

      Thank you,

      crazy jerry


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