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    • #5095
      • Total Posts: 313


      Made my way down to Alabama this weekend with hopes of catching the falls at a runnable level, as well as looking to bag my first run on the “Suicide Section”

      After driving through the night, and waking up in the parking lot, I scoped the falls out, and they seemed to be just barely enough water to run the left side, Double Drop.    It is a 33′,  tiered drop.   I’d say the first one is a manky, boney 12 ft drop, leading into a 21′

      After a little contemplating, I woke my girlfriend up and decided to fire it up!   The first run was  perhaps my smoothest.   I had trouble getting my bow up on the first drop, as the usual boof launch pad was a bit too shallow to charge off.   After a few laps and some waiting around for other paddlers to show, I opted not to run the section below the falls without company;

      We then headed up for some juicy flows on the Tellico!

      For those who have not been to the area, the LRC area is a beautiful place;   I will be heading back down there with a crew to get on the upper most section, as I hear it is some of the finest whitewater the south has to offer!

    • #5096
      • Total Posts: 418

      NICE! And next time ur not allowed to do that without me!!! Lol great stuff.. See a benifit havin me there is arial video 🙂 and ill take the squirrel off it too!

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