Home Forums General Discussion Lower Stouts

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    • #20077
      Mike Warren
      • Total Posts: 21

      I was wondering about the access to the put-in for the Lower Stouts run down to the St. Francis. In the past we drove down Collins Lane to Dayspring Bible Camp and parked there. If I remember correctly there was somebody we were supposed to call, and that maybe they were going to install a donation box of some sort. What’s going on with that now? Please let me know. Thanks. Mike.

    • #20080
      Dan Bollinger
      • Total Posts: 413

      A group of us parked at a little pull off on Hwy D the last time we ran it. It required us to paddle the lake, but there’s some decent rapids near the 72 bridge.

    • #20081
      Mike Warren
      • Total Posts: 21

      Thanks Dan. I’ve done that before too. I just figured that if I didn’t feel like paddling across the lake, I might just put in at the bible camp. I’m headed that way in a couple of weeks and I’ll see you around I’m sure. Have fun, be safe.

    • #20083
      Dan Bollinger
      • Total Posts: 413

      Chris Ward and I have also parked here once before. Not sure if anyone cared or not.
      Yep, I’m sure I’ll see you around. Take care.

    • #20084
      Mike Warren
      • Total Posts: 21

      I’m going to pick your brain on South Sauty Creek when I see you. I watched the video. See you at the MWC. Thanks again.

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