Lower Poudre Narrows EDIT

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    • #1869
      • Total Posts: 313

      Ahh yes!  While the run off is just now starting to pick up, CO has been getting crushed with rain (and now snow) for the past few days.

      My littlest brother (terry) lives in Fort Collins, making the Cache la Poudre his back yard run.    While he has boated all sections of the Narrows (Upper, middle and lower narrows), these past few days have been the highest levels he, and I, have run it.

      With the level sitting close to 3.5 for those who know the Poudre, it makes for a big, pushy mess up top!

      On our first lap,  Terry found himself in a rather innocuous looking hole that proved to be relentless.   Seeing as it was only a hundred or so yards above the start of a roughly quarter mile long section of mank, he ditched his gear and bolted to shore.  A bit rattled, he opted not to run again that day.

      Having not learned his lesson and payed penance to the River Gods, we jumped back on the Lower Narrows for more laps on day 2;  All was good until he found himself in the meat of the stickiest hydraulic on the run.   Again, self preservation prevailed and he was able to climb out to shore.

      All in all, a good start to an epic trip to come.   From here, we will be heading up to Idaho for 2 weeks and then plan on making it back down for the full-blown run off in Colorado.

      Hope to see some MWA boaters out this way for the shibang!

    • #1871
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      While I am envious of the great water levels, just looking at pogies, dry tops and knowing how cold the water is ….. Will keep me happy in the Tropics till the rainy season comes ! The only run I have available here, is a butt kicker that takes me a week to recover from. Have fun out west !

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