Home Forums General Discussion Low water bridge danger on Stouts creek

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    • #21611
      • Total Posts: 94

      2 weeks ago I went with a group of boaters down stouts creek. `The saint was 1 and 1/2 feet over the old bridge at D. All went well until we reached the last low water bridge. This bridge was recently rebuilt and channels/tubes were added under the road deck and the road deck now slants so the down creek side is higher than the up creek side. This caused kayaks to get stuck on the bridge. I got out and was carrying my boat around to put in below the bridge when I saw a kayak float out from under the bridge. I learned that the boater in the kayak had eddied out on the creek right and was waiting to portage when the stern of his kayak was sucked down. He realized the danger and pulled his skirt and with the help of others was able to be pulled out before the kayak went under the bridge. The kayak had a slicey stern and this may have contributed to it getting sucked down. I just wanted to warn everyone of this new danger on stouts creek.

    • #21612
      • Total Posts: 293

      Mmmm, Dangerous! 🙁

      John Kuthe…

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