Looking to borrow equipment for this weekend's clinic

Home Forums General Discussion Looking to borrow equipment for this weekend's clinic

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    • #1577
      Michael Currier
      • Total Posts: 2

      Hi all,

      I signed up for this weekend’s clinic thinking I had a rental lined up, but it looks like that’s not in the cards. This is probably a long shot on such short notice, but I was wondering if anyone would be able to lend a boat, paddle, and helmet (and maybe some extra layers) for the weekend. I’m good friends with one of the instructors, Cindy Kretzer, and she should be able to spot me a pfd and a skirt for the weekend.

      FYI, I’ve been kayaking and canoeing for years, just never on whitewater. I’m told that it would be good to mention that I’m 6’1 and 220 for sizing purposes.

      Thanks in advance,


    • #1578
      • Total Posts: 313

      <b>Hey Mike,</b>

      I have a Nomad 8.5 that you would likely fit in if needed.  Feel free to borrow it;  You can also use my dry top, pfd paddle and helmet.

      I am in STL however, and will not be making it down to the river this week / wknd;  perhaps cindy grabs it?

      Let me know if you want to give it a shot.

    • #1586
      Michael Currier
      • Total Posts: 2

      Hey thanks, CW!

      They literally just emailed this morning that rentals are actually possible, but I might be too late to reserve one. I’m gonna talk with the clinic director and see what I can do (I’d rather rent than inconvenience you). I’ll let you know soon.

      Thanks again,


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