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    • #2670
      • Total Posts: 30

      Was gonna try to head down to the NOC over Labor Day or at least to the Hiawesse if we can make it work. I wanna get Noah, my 9yo, on a river this year. either in a duckie, his fun1 or in a raft (Nanty). If anyone is interested, let me know Second, how does the NOC work. Could I, in theory, put him on a raft and then follow along in my kayak next to him. He’s 9, so he’s old enough to go on the trip but too young, I think, to be in a raft by himself. Or not. If I am there in my kayak next to him, it might be okay. Thoughts?

      Andy in Peoria

    • #2785
      • Total Posts: 15

      Yes ,you could paddle alongside your son. That is IF they will rent out a single ducky to a 9 year old. ? that I don’t know. But as an adult they just take every one too   the put in and you can go at your own speed. Stay out there all day if you want. // Well now I see you were going to put him in a raft with other people. I see no reason why you couldn’t paddle beside them. They have no say about the kayaks paddling around them. Kayaks are  always  around the rafts.. Good luck

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by glo.
    • #2795
      Sheldon Dale
      • Total Posts: 51


      NOC let’s you rent a raft (on the Nanty) without a guide, so you could guide the raft and your whole family down the Nanty yourself. I did this last year and had a great time. It was my first time guiding a raft, but it was fine. It seemed to me that the hardest part of raft guiding was being able to read the water, which you already know how to do from kayaking. We also rented a two person ducky, which was fun as well.

      Have fun!

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