Karma / Zen

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    • #4614
      Ryan Cullen
      • Total Posts: 59

      Does anyone own a Jackson 2013 Karma (medium) or 2015 Zen (large) they’d be willing to let me sit in. If I could demo the boat in some moving water I’ll be you best friend forever, but I’m more worried about just seeing if I fit. A large karma would also be awesome to try. Thanks for any help

    • #4620
      • Total Posts: 24

      I have a 2015 Zen (L), that you could try out.  I’m planning on running today as a matter of fact, if you can make that.  We are meeting @ D @ 3:30.  If that doesn’t work I’m sure we can plan something else.


    • #4627
      John Biermann
      • Total Posts: 20

      I have a 2012 Karma-Medium that you can sit in or borrow. I’m in South County area of St Louis. Just let me know

    • #4694
      Sheldon Dale
      • Total Posts: 51

      I have a large Karma that you’re welcome to demo, but I’m not sure when I’ll be at the Saint again. It might not be until the races or clinic. Didn’t you have a Super Hero? Still have it?

    • #4709
      Ryan Cullen
      • Total Posts: 59

      Yeah I still have the super hero. I’m just looking for something faster and lands a little softer.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Ryan Cullen.
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