I hate Facebook. I think that is how a post I made 6 months ago on the MWA site started out. I was sticking up for a friend of mine. Since then I have been confused by things people have said…or not said…to me. After this weekend though I was just plain BAFFLED by interactions with someone I highly respect and I am so fond of. For days I have ruminated, rummaged and called friends. 6 months ago in that post I was discussing my mediocrity as a boater and that chances were, at my age, things would probably stay the same no matter how many classes I take. I think I left two little words out of a line- “than I”. I said some people are better- I have taken multiple classes, but some people are just better at that….THAN I. I am SO SORRY for any pain my lack of literacy has caused. Thank you for listening.
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