Home Forums General Discussion 3rd Annual Saint Clean Up Scheduled!

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    • #21997
      jeff clawges
      • Total Posts: 87

      I was trying to add a picture to my post about the January clean up and it got marked as spam. Could you please restore it to the message board. – Thanks

    • #22000
      jeff clawges
      • Total Posts: 87

      Good morning! We have come up with a date for the 3rd annual Saint Clean up. The 1st year we pulled out 1800# of tires and a 20′ culvert, the 2nd year we got 30 more tires and a good pile of trash including a sex doll and half a john boat. This year who knows but I’m sure it will be epic. We will meet at Millstream garden at 10am on January 11th to get supplies and t-shirts. We will try to hit the accesses again along with the trail and the boat crew will hit the river again from Roselle. Brian and Bernie and Stream Teams United are going to take care of the tire disposal again. This is a huge deal and we owe them a huge thank you for volunteering to help out. Anyway that’s about it for right now. Like always I’ll be glad to answer any questions you may have. SYOTR!

    • #22024
      Casara Heaton
      • Preferred Boat: Kayak
      • Years Paddling: 15
      • Total Posts: 141

      Thanks @jeff! I’ve added it to the calendar! I’m going to update this thread to the 3rd annual Saint Clean up since this is good information!

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