Home Forums General Discussion HB 2405

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    • #4985
      Dave Haessig
      • Total Posts: 4

      Rep. Ross is at it again. He has introduced hb 2405 that will effect the paddling community. He is stating land owner have the sole right to use and restrict use of water except navigable stream. (All but the Mississippi, Missouri and Meramec) On navigable stream it would allow them to restrict to low water mark. It would allow landowners to prevent boating or wading in the stream. We need to stop it. Call your representative and voice your opposition to hb 2405.

    • #4986
      • Total Posts: 557

      I always have to wonder what dollar amount they are getting for such a stand. So it would curtail canoe rental on Courtois, Huzzah, Black etc? He must have  river bottom land and he’s one of those sourpusses that wants it for himself.

      It is time to research this guy.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by McChuck. Reason: I always look forward to March and my clocks being right again
    • #4988
      Michael Dee
      • Total Posts: 138

      He’s part of a contingent that fears federal management of waterways. Limiting public access would seem contradictory but such contradictions don’t seem to bother him when it comes to other matters of civil rights and the commonwealth. In any case, I think the last few items in the bill express the core of his concerns:

      640.800. 1. The department of natural resources shall not implement or enforce any portion of a federal proposed rule finalized after January 1, 2015, to revise or provide guidance on the regulatory definition of “waters of the United States” or “navigable HB 2405  waters” under the federal Clean Water Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. Section 1251 et seq.,  without the approval of the general assembly.  2. For the purposes of establishing regulations, conditions, or permit requirements,  no federal agency shall make a determination or designate any watercourse within the state of Missouri as navigable.

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