Conservation stuff! I have to say this was the BEST.CLEANUP.EVER. 😁For the whitewater community to show for three years now is really something amazing. The river crew keeps bring home tires year after year. I was thinking about the number of miles the ground crew puts in. It’s not easy tracking down trash spread through the woods, but they do it. Amazing! Tires, hunks of metal, bags of beer cans. You name it. We fueled up on doughnuts in the morning. On top of everything we got to finish the day with JoJo’s world-famous chili. Seriously. Good stuff. Thank you, Jo, and Thank you, Volunteers. Every one of you from the bottom of my heart. Good work yesterday!
Ok. By the numbers: 35 Volunteers collected 27 tires, 3 large green bags of trash,38 red bags of trash, 1 drive shaft, 5 lawn chairs, 3 coolers, about 50lbs of metal and last but not least Gevins lost canoe. 😄And finally at the end of the day when we hit our only snag when our tire plan fell through. Cheri Becker stepped up and saved the day by somehow getting all those tires into the truck.
Thank you all again. We do go0d work and what we do matters.🦹♀️🦹♀️🦹♀️
If you can get to the club’s Facebook page there are a lot more pics! SYOTR