Drey Land Refrigerator Smell

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    • #3376
      Michael Dee
      • Total Posts: 138

      Thank you all for cleaning up camp after the annual picnic! Everything looked good with one exception: the refrigerator smelled like rotten shrimp. We bleached everything we could and even tried to clean the compressor fans this weekend but the smell persisted.

      As I try to figure out what to do next, I’d love to know if it smelled like that when you guys arrived. Does anyone know anything that might help me figure out the source of the smell?

      We have a big program planned for next week, and I’d love to take care of it by then.

    • #3377
      • Total Posts: 679

      Yes Michael, it did.  Jon was there first, and he noticed it, and I noticed it on Friday evening when I put things in it.  We even talked about it – it was surprising, given how clean everything was.

      Our guess was there might be a dead mouse somewhere, either under or behind it or inside fan area, etc.  Sounds like you looked into those areas though.

    • #3378
      Michael Dee
      • Total Posts: 138

      Thanks–that’s good to know. Time to call the Smell Busters.

    • #3386
      • Total Posts: 34

      Michael – we came home from vacation to find that our refrigerator had died days before we got back. Everything in the freezer had thawed including some shrimp. Needless to day the smell was horrible. The fridge was a relativley cheap repair but the contents were a total loss. Research on line had a lot of different suggestions for the smell.
      We took out all of the racks, trays and everything that could be removed and wiped them and the interior down with white vinegar for a couple of days. Next we placed cotton balls soaked in vanilla throughout the fridge and freezer, you can’t use too many. Keep the door closed at ths point. After about 1 1/2 – 2 weeks we were back in business. I know this won’t help much for next week.
      Good luck.

    • #3387
      Michael Dee
      • Total Posts: 138

      Thanks, Bob. You’re right: I don’t have that much time.

      Anyone tried ground coffee in bowls? That’s what the woman at the local plumber suggested to me.

    • #3392
      • Total Posts: 679

      How about using some fresh shrimp, and serve it too.  Maybe the new shrimp smell will cover the old shrimp smell!

      Don’t worry Michael – BobH was <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>not</span> at the picnic, storing his spoiled shrimp in the Dreyland fridge!

    • #3394
      Michael Dee
      • Total Posts: 138

      I knew it! That explains everything! The smell, the nice suggestion for remedying it (must have been guilt), the pattern of behavior (repeatedly storing bad shrimp in pristine refrigerators). I hope he gets some help.

      Thanks Jim. It’s all clear to me now.

    • #3407
      • Total Posts: 34

      Jim of course I wouldn’t be there, what with a smelly refrigerator and all! SYAGAF

      Michael let me know if you find a good way to to eliminate the smell quickly. You never know when that will come in handy.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by bobh.
    • #3414
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      Spray called Ozium ! It will kill any stank !!

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