Do instructors/safety boaters camp at the group site for clinic?

Home Forums General Discussion Do instructors/safety boaters camp at the group site for clinic?

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    • #1604
      • Total Posts: 291


      • This topic was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by JohnKuthe....
      • This topic was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by JohnKuthe....
    • #1606
      • Total Posts: 291


      • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by JohnKuthe....
    • #1608
      • Total Posts: 43

      Once again, We tried the day they opened reservations and it was already taken. Pretty sure instructors and safety are aware. The Board has discussed giving a camping stipend to volunteers and he’s also reserved site #46 for instructors/safety. Not sure if that site has been filled. The party will be, just like last year, at D bridge. All will be fine

    • #1609
      • Total Posts: 291


      • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by JohnKuthe....
      • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by JohnKuthe....
    • #1613
      Steve Stilwell
      • Total Posts: 87


      • #1614
        • Total Posts: 291


        • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by JohnKuthe....
        • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by JohnKuthe....
    • #1617
      Steve Stilwell
      • Total Posts: 87


    • #1618
      John Holdmeier
      • Total Posts: 22

      It appears as though I missed out this morning 🙂 What Bling said is accurate. I have reserved site # 46 for safety/instructors with plans to reserve more or come up with a back up plan as soon as it was full. Here’s the thing… I have only had one person ask to camp there so far. So yes, we still have room at 46 for safety and instructors up to a certain point, and then we can go from there. Party will be at D (rain or no rain I assume) and all will be good! 🙂

      – JH

    • #1656
      • Total Posts: 291

      Very sorry I missed this clinic. My minivan Baby is still in ther shop, and that is why I missed it, not any of the nonsense promulgated here.

      Looks like it was a great clinic. Warm, low but sufficient water, just golden!

      I REALLY regret missing this years race setup, race and clinic! I AM dying, very slowly and stupidly, and these events were always among my favorites.

    • #1660
      Steve Stilwell
      • Total Posts: 87

      Missed seeing you John. Hope baby gets road worthy soon. There should still be plenty of Saint paddling to be done this spring

      • #1661
        • Total Posts: 291

        Thanks dude! Yeah Baby should be fixed up in a day or two. I keep patching her together cause it’s actually cheaper than getting into something comparable, probably.

        Dunno if I’ll get down to The Saint again. I know what it takes and I don’t know if I have it anymore.

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