Home Forums General Discussion did anyone enjoy the river today? (8/12/2015)

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    • #3130
      • Total Posts: 352

      No one posted or called, and the river is above -0- according to the gauge.

      After the large crowd of slackers yesterday, I figured that a few slackers would be there today,

      is the gauge close? or is it 2 or 3 inches below what the Roselle gauge states?

      I much prefer boating in a tee shirt than in a dry suit.

      What a great summer it has been!!!

    • #3131
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      To quote the famous Poet Maria, BITE ME, CJ !!

    • #3136
      • Total Posts: 352


      This is supposed to be a family friendly site, so I can not say what is on my mind.

      Did you move to Alaska?

      When was the last time you had to wear a dry top?

      When was the last time that you had to put on multiple layers of fleece?

      Aren’t you constantly bragging about the warm water and great temperatures?

      It was not my fault that you could not come to the Saint and enjoy it during June or July.

      We had  water waiting for you and a lot of people to paddle with, but you didn’t show up.

      Those of us not lucky enough to travel to or move to the tropics are thankful for the summer boating at the Saint.

      Instead of quoting Maria, you should be thankful for the blessings that you have.

      Love ya buddy.

      crazy jerry

    • #3138
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      The coldest day I have had paddling in the last 2 years, I had to wear a long sleeve rash guard vs shorty ! I was referencing the unprecedented number of days into the extended season ya’ll have enjoyed. In my many years at the Saint, I have never heard of,or seen anything like it !! As far as the trip home, I ended up in the hospital for 5 days after getting skewered by venemous thorns in my foot, ankle and calf. I was peeing off a rock, a gust blew my boat off the rock, and I jumped in after it. Finding an underwater surprise with my leg. About 45 – 50 – 1.5″ curved thorns pierced my flesh. Ended up with a blood clot from ankle to groin in the Great Sapphenous vein. I have not paddled since June 11th !! The longest stretch w/o WW in at least 25 years. Never could fly home. I’ll be there 10/1 for a few weeks. I am back to paddling here, next week. See you in October. Even if the Saint is not up, I would love to camp at Silvermines and have a lil Partay !! Miss ya’ll….

    • #3142
      • Total Posts: 352


      I read about your accident while looking at your response on the gear review page.

      I am sorry to hear about your heath issues. I hope everything works out for the best.

      We will see you in October. If extended forecast is correct, you might need warm gear.

      miss you buddy

      crazy jerry

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