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    • #20968
      jeff clawges
      • Total Posts: 87

      Cleaning up some conservation stuff!

      We are just a couple days away from the 56th annual Operation Clean Stream. We will be meeting at the Sappington bridge access in Bourbon Mo at 9am to sign in and run shuttle.

      If you can’t make it out Saturday or want to do something closer to home check out Open Space Stl. http://openspacestl.org/ if you sign up as a volunteer you will receive emails of conservation opportunities. These guys do a lot of things from clean-ups to habitat restoration and education.

      We ae working with the MDC and Stream teams to get some people certified to be volunteer water quality monitors. All you need to do is watch some videos on you-tube and come out to Babler State Park on September 16th to pick up your supplies and get some hands-on training. Here is the link to the program Water Quality Monitoring (mostreamteam.org) that will take you to the videos and give you info on the program. After that it is a twice a year commitment to helping ensure clean water in your favorite stream.

      Steve Janney wants to do a low water tire/trash pick up on the upper. We need about 3 to 6 inches of water to get the raft down so it’s going to be a flash mob kind of thing. When the water is there we’ll do it. If you want to help with this please let me know and I’ll make sure you get notified when it’s go time. We’ve got plenty to do up there for sure.

      We are working on getting the 2nd annual “Show the Saint some Love” clean-up and are looking for suggestions. What could we have done better last year? I liked how the date worked out for us last year, no copperheads or insects, decent weather (average temp is about 40 in January) and less brush to deal with. If anyone has another suggestion, we can listen to it.
      I still have not been able to do much with the Forest services stewmap and urban outreach programs but it is on my list. I think there are education and outreach opportunities for the club. If anyone wants to step up as liaison It would be much appreciated. 

      Thanks and SYOTR!

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