Home Forums General Discussion Confluence trash bash April 8th

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    • #20281
      jeff clawges
      • Total Posts: 87

      !CONSERVATION CALL TO ACTION! Stream Team 6414 and the MWA are heading out to North county to help the Open Space Council of STL show the confluence area some love! The MWA’s spot is Sunset Park along the Missouri River. The date is April the 8th, Start time is 7:30 plan on spending 2 hours making the park prettier. This clean up has 50 spaces available. I have 5 reserved for the MWA team. I can get more if we need them (this morning there is 39 open spots left) If you would like to participate, Please follow the link below and for team name use Missouri Whitewater Association. This is a big, fun event and I encourage you to come out! Grade B site, Family friendly. if you have any questions please comment or send me a message. THANK YOU! SYOTR!

      To register go to http://volunteer.openspacestl.org/need/detail/?need_id=785919 Register sign the waiver and let me know so I can add you to the MWA team.

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