Clinic weekend sunday stroll

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    • #1808
      • Total Posts: 418

      hey ya’ll thank you all for viewing my videos im trying to break 100 subscribers please help and share my videos and get them to subscribe thanks 🙂 heres another video of clinic weekend chaos paddler jody rumseys view of our trip next will be fully clinic view when we were around ya’ll thanks again enjoy this video and if you havent subscribed please do so! Btw theres on OC2 in the video not sure who it was but it was on the ferry route at catspaw great ferry!
      And thanks for the corrections 🙂

      • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by jacobsviper.
      • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by jacobsviper.
    • #1810
      • Total Posts: 413

      Nice vid Jacob.

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by DaggerDan. Reason: We have been corrected :)
    • #1811
      John Tansil
      • Total Posts: 206

      jacobsviper thanks for keeping us entertained with your videos!  Much appreciated and adds to variety and quality of posts …. keep it up!

      • #1815
        • Total Posts: 418

        Love doing videos john no prob if ya’ll dont mind I dont either 🙂 soon ill have my dream machine IMAC and then ill be able to do some crazy videos and edits

    • #1813
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      Just for the record, that is an OC2, a C2 is decked.

    • #1866
      Sarah Watson
      • Total Posts: 120

      Great videos, Jacob!  The OC2 clinic paddlers were Bob Jung and Matt Miller.  Nice ferry, guys!!


    • #1868
      • Total Posts: 291

      I noticed, no one stopped to play in that hole 1/2 way down Dam Breach? Why not? Looked like a perfect level for it. I was playing in that hole once and som ekid on shore thought I needed rescueing!! I told him no, I wanted to be in it!!

    • #1916
      Sarah Watson
      • Total Posts: 120

      Oops, Bob informed me that is Shon and his son in the video!  Sorry, Shon – nice ferry!!  Your sons are really turning into great paddlers!


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