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    • #1580
      Dan Bollinger
      • Total Posts: 413

      Well I wonder if we’ll get the call this evening about canceling the clinic? Because chances of thunderstorms have went up a lot for Saturday, 88% chance at 2PM. Friday is looking nice. Tempted to take off work early and go boat and camp out anyways. Does anyone have experience with what it takes to cancel the clinic. I really hope the forecast is wrong…

    • #1581
      Curtis Ahlers
      • Total Posts: 46

      You signed up for a whitewater clinic. I was taught the 3 basic principles of whitewater are obstacles(aka rocks), gradient, and WATER! let it RAIN let it rain!

      • #1594
        • Total Posts: 293

        You forgot one crucial factor, Curtis! GRAVITY!!

        I wrote a story a long time ago about one of my first trips down the Ocoee, entitled “Rocks, Water, Gradient and Gravity”. It was published in the River Log too! 🙂

    • #1582
      • Total Posts: 43

      It takes a lot to cancel a clinic. There are many options available for really high water, namely the Upper Saint, Little St. Francis, Stouts, and a few others. The instructors will be aware of their students’ experience and comfort levels. High water alternatives will be discussed at the registration meeting Saturday morning. See y’all there!

    • #1583
      John Holdmeier
      • Total Posts: 22

      Thanks for beating me to the punch Curtis and John! Rain is good! Clinic director says it’s a go unless something drastic happens between now and Saturday morning.

    • #1584
      Dan Bollinger
      • Total Posts: 413

      I wasn’t worried about the rain, I just figured with thunderstorms and particularly lightning they wouldn’t want people on the river.

    • #1585
      • Total Posts: 43

      Ahh, lightning’s a different issue. We’ve fortunately haven’t had to deal with big storms while on the river (at least the last 14 that I’ve been involved with). We have had the threat, though, and the instructors typically have their own plans. There are different ways of handling lightning depending on what article you read (some say pull to the shore and stay in your boat, some say get out of your boats and spread out (min 20′ between people). Consistent agreement is not to be paddling in the middle of the river and get near lower-height trees (hoping strikes hit taller trees), avoiding being the tallest abject around.

      Good topic and anyone chime in if you have better suggestions or insight!

      • #1595
        • Total Posts: 293

        Didn’t we have tornadoes one clinic evening?

    • #1601
      • Total Posts: 12

      Bling I agree with your handling of lightning!  We have had just about everything from snow to tornadoes.  This is no different than we find ourselves in normal boating situations.  There will be people watching the weather and getting updates if there is severe weather activity.

    • #1648
      • Total Posts: 293

      Here’s an example of what it can take to cancel a clinic, 1993, first time The Saint came up over the new D bridge!

    • #1649
      Dan Bollinger
      • Total Posts: 413

      Haha exactly where a bunch of beginners need to be. Looks like Saturday boating is going to be nice and now the race is going to start Saturday night.

      • #1654
        • Total Posts: 293

        NO ONE boated Millstream that day. Some did the Upper, said it took ’em about 15 mins!

        THAT is some serious water!!

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