Home Forums General Discussion Clean up notes!

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    • #19888
      jeff clawges
      • Total Posts: 87

      Good Morning! Really important conservation stuff!
      Before I do anything else I want to thank each and every one of the you for the hard work at Saturday’s clean up! I have 24 participants who worked (their butt of) For about a hundred project hours! Incredible!
      We picked up 1649# of tires, 12′ of metal intake pipe, a wheelchair wheel, 3-1/2 blue bags of trash, 2 green bags a tarp and some miscellaneous plastic. If that wasn’t enough the river crew brought back a 20’+ (does anyone have an exact measurement) 4′ diameter piece of culvert AND 5 more tires!
      The biggest tire weighed 850#, the next was 499# the retread tire was 300#
      Couple of things, Mike (i think) is looking for a blue sharpshooter shovel and I have someone’s jack that was left at millstream.
      There is some interest from people on that culvert. Come get it. We have a couple options on removal, but we need to get it done sooner rather than later.
      Ok, I’m going to add a bunch of pictures that Kim Drapp took and I’ll add everyone’s else to this post so it’s together in one spot in all its tire wrangling glory!
      Thank you again. We did good work on Saturday!

      Work computer won’t let me add pictures. I’ll post those tomorrow. Great job people!!

    • #19893
      jeff clawges
      • Total Posts: 87

      Some pics that Kim took..

    • #19898
      Michael Viggers
      • Total Posts: 2

      Mike got his shovel

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