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    • #21399
      jeff clawges
      • Total Posts: 84

      Alrighty Then! The 2nd STSL clean up is done. And I just have to say WOW! just Wow! We had 36 volunteers. Coming from all over to pick up trash in the rain. We had MWA people cleaning on the water and on land, We had SLU kayak club doing their adopt a highway thing along with helping out at Roselle, We had Americorp with Stream teams united and the USFS doing trail Maintenace and litter pickup at Silvermines, Bernie came down from the Mighty 211, Bo Jarvis even made an appearance. All I can say is Thank You, Thank you, Thank you! You people are the absolute best!
      Ok here is a run down on what is no longer polluting our favorite river
      I counted 37 tires pulled from the upper, They also found Devins long lost GF. Thanks to Steve, Slim, Joe, Dave, Devin, Dan and the rest of the crew for the hard work.
      For the 2nd year in a row Katie Leeker led a group to Roselle. (henceforth to be known as Leeker’s Landing) and they brought back a BOAT! An old rusty john boat and a bunch of rusted metal along with a half a toilet and bags of litter.
      We had MWA folks walking the trails and shorelines looking for trash. Thankfully there was not a whole lot there. We got 8 green bags of trash and a couple of tires from the group.
      On the way out down 72 I saw 5? piles of trash from the SLU club adopt a highway stretch.
      Did you see the banner? Johnny Bling came up with the best banner ,Take a look at the pictures. That puppy is beautiful! I may just hang it from my house. 😉
      I’d like to also thank my lovely wife Kim for manning the hot chocolate bar all day. On a day like yesterday that really hit the spot.
      Again thank you all for a stellar job on a cold rainy day. If you have any pics please post them in the comments below.
      Thanks again and SYOTR!

    • #21609
      • Total Posts: 352

      I hiked in on river right yesterday.
      the massive amount of tires, trash and someone’s girlfriend have been removed.
      river looks good from right side!!!

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