Home Forums General Discussion Clean up clarification

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    • #22590
      jeff clawges
      • Total Posts: 83

      Good morning, I just noticed on the calendar the times for the Clean-up as 10am to 5pm. End time is 2pm – SYOTR

    • #22593
      • Total Posts: 93

      Jeff thanks for organizing the Saint clean up once again. Assuming the river is runable I plan to bring my raft once again. I am hoping that other boaters could bring battery powered Sawsalls that could be used to cut up the large industrial tire on river right near the eagle nest and that would allow us to move it and place it on the raft( I am guessing it weighs around 500+ pounds. There is also a canoe that looks intact enough to paddle that is on river right above entrance. I could give someone a ride in the raft if we could find someone to paddle it down the river. There is also an aluminum canoe that is in the willows on river Left below entrance that I would guess is too bent up to paddle however maybe we could get it down the river on the raft or on two other canoes. Looking forward to the clean up.

      • #22614
        jeff clawges
        • Total Posts: 83

        Thanks Steve, that is awesome! With the weather like it is we’re going to push things back until 2/1 /2025 – SYOTR

    • #22633
      Sally Haywood
      • Total Posts: 30
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