Championship Safety Team

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    • #965
      • Total Posts: 85

      Just a reminder here’s who has committed to help with safety.

      We will be meeting Sat AM at 8:00 at the bench under the tree at Millstream, to go over schedule and manpower assignments.

      Team Leaders:
      Kelly Urbas
      Clay Calhon

      Medical (Paramedics and EMTs on river):
      Darren Winchester (lead)
      David Balicki
      Mary Cripps
      David Cripps

      Team Members
      Josh Woods
      Bill Parson
      Matt Bliss
      Sheldon Dale
      Trent Ely
      Derek Lanxon
      Jason Taylor
      Dan Prater
      Gabe Gudding
      Mike Leineger
      Josh Miller
      Rich Gran
      Ben Ford
      Chris Ward
      Jason Robinson

      If I’ve missed anyone let me know, and if you would still like to help with safety let me know. Its a great time to practice those skills that you’ve learned in class.

      • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by cataraftcoop.
      • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by cataraftcoop.
    • #969
      • Total Posts: 104

      Thanks for heading this up Gary, I’m looking forward to it!  I am hoping to pair up with another safety team member that is also racing in a distant position in the line up, so we can trade off safety roles.

      CT Mike Leininger

    • #1060
      • Total Posts: 85

      I have reserved 2 sites at the Riverside  campground for the races for the Rescue Team members for Fri  Sat and Sun.  We can have 3 tents per site so if your on the need of a plot to place your tent email me or pm or text (618 499-7961) as soon as possible first come first served.  I will be in 3 and I have site next to river across road.

      Thanks for the great response  for safety see you all race day Sat am at 8 at bench under tree at Millstream.

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