Big Drop rock underwater

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    • #1816
      • Total Posts: 418

      So as you all know I’m still learning to paddle! I’m getting better I think but if someone would remove that darn rock under big drop that I hit every time i flip over  i would appreciate it lmao


    • #1817
      • Total Posts: 418

      Ok so after reviewing the film, will somone please remove 2 of those rocks under there 🙂

    • #1822
      Freddie Carter
      • Total Posts: 222

      Itz a booger !

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Freddie Carter. Reason: Life
      • #1829
        • Total Posts: 418

        Lol oh i know kayakcono it is but hey Thats why we where helmets 🙂

    • #1827
      • Total Posts: 291

      Um, no. River modification for anyone’s personal preference is very against every ethic of paddling, IMHO.

      I believe some people were arrested and prosecuted for blowing up a troublesome to rafting companies rock formation on the Salt River a while back.

      Bab river karma! If you can’t handle a river the way Mother Nature presents it, stick to amusement park rides.

    • #1828
      • Total Posts: 418

      Geez johnkuthe it was just a joke!! I can handle anything thats thrown my way just thought it would be funny to say that sorry if I made u upset.

      • #1835
        • Total Posts: 291

        I’d prefer if you make your “jokes” a little more obvious. This is the Internet, after all. Lots of misconstruance possible here.

    • #1833
      • Total Posts: 104

      Hey Jacobsviper,

      I have got that rock a couple times with my head.  The first time like in your video, I wasn’t aggressively paddling forward, before I got comfortable with the flow on that drop.  Keep your paddle in the water and not on the rocks. Ironically, you may also have been less likely to hit the rock if you would have followed the current and paddled toward it a little longer before eddying out.

      Liquidlogic rules!

      CT Mike


      • #1834
        • Total Posts: 418

        I will take your instructions to heart thankyou 🙂 always nice to hear from experience, Im getting better just screwing up a little big more here and there but if im not upside down im not trying right lol!  thanks again!

        • #1836
          • Total Posts: 291

          Never stop paddling, You have a little bit of a high brace every moment you have your paddle blade in the water./

    • #1837
      John Tansil
      • Total Posts: 206

      JayVee just keep paddling and before long you’ll do Big Drop at a beefy level where rocks are well underwater … the video below shows paddler encounter with hole formed by the river right bedrock at Big Drop. YEE-HAA!

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by John Tansil.
    • #1839
      • Total Posts: 85

      Don’t sweat it dude no matter how many years you’ve been boating and how good you are rocks happen.  I have a big scar on my shoulder  from that same rock from race weekend.  Just roll up and paddle on.

    • #1855
      • Total Posts: 30

      Try to get up on your brace a bit more on your right side. From the video, it appears that you aren’t going with the flow of the water as you come down the drop. On the other hand, combat rolls in front of a crowd are always good for the ego.


      Andy in Peoria

    • #1857
      Michael Dee
      • Total Posts: 138

      Sometimes it’s all about timing: from the top of the drop to the bottom you can’t get your right hand forward because your paddle keeps clanging against the rocks beside and behind you on the right. As a consequence, your weight is thrown back, and you’ve lost all leverage. At 24 seconds, you need to plant a stroke on the right side, between you and the rock at the top, shifting the boat to a slight left angle (towards the V)  so that you can keep your weight forward and plant another stroke on the right at the bottom of the drop for the bracing effect that John is describing. It’s mostly a matter of balance in your boat–in this case, the paddle position was throwing you off balance.



      • #1861
        • Total Posts: 418

        Thankyou very much yeah i seen that at 24 lol i was like yeah im screwed when I came off of it! Oh well we had fun and yeah i prob could have done that right stroke beside the rock and boat if i didnt have half a bottle of crown in me hehe i wanted to relax that day well that was the only time I flipped i was buzzin pretty good like I said just showing the hitting my head on those rocks 🙂

    • #1860
      • Total Posts: 418

      I paddle a little better then what yall seen in this video I screwed up when I kept hitting the rocks with the paddle the main thing was i was showing the rocks i hit underwater lol I know im not the greatest paddler but im learning thankyou all for your input on how to go through there and im taking everything yall say and going to apply it to my paddling thanks again 🙂

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